Monday, June 17, 2024

6.17.24 Growing kids

This summer these two have really become buddies. They love to share and laugh and tease and explore together. I love it when my kids become friends. Andrea is finally old enough to really interact and Merle is all to happy to be her big brother. Here he is digging dirt to put in their trucks. 

There is something so magical about dirt. The soft coolness of it on bare feet is inviting to play and touch it more with fingers. She's also getting old enough to pose for pictures. 
When the kids were gone I got to work with Greg for a few days. It's amazing how much more harmonious our life is when we are working together and see each other during the day. The cows were so happy to have these loose bales to eat at their pleasure. 
At home, the kids completed another week of mowing. Pushing a lawnmower that is bagging the cut grass and then spreading the grass as mulch on the garden is a more grueling workout than I choose all winter. It is good and I'm thankful for their youth and vitality to get the more than an acre mowed.  
Playing in the shadey spot under the pine trees. 

And swinging. I try to make time to push the younger ones on the swings almost daily. They say this is a soothing activity. I know they love the feeling of flying. And will swing as long as I have time to spare and then some. I'm so thankful for the large shade trees that make our yard so inviting. 
It was also a good spot to watch BRuce work. He reminded me of Harold at that age working away at the neverending grass. 
Lia spent some time working on her letters on the inviting white boards outside our house. I was not thrilled to find she had used a paint marker. She will be painting over this when I get some paint. 

I'm thrilled at her ability to form letters but not happy about where she chose to put them. Life is good even as we work to train up more children to be worthwhile contributing citizens. Oh God grant me patience and strength is my daily prayer. 

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