Saturday, August 10, 2024

8.10.24 Abundant life

Why do young children love photos and older people hide from them? Why are we so carefree as youngsters? I'm not sure but I know this cutey is a happy spot for all of us. 
The long green plants are abundant right now. This is Sunday we have had similar hauls two more days this week, so about every other day we get an armful. 
We went to visit and had a delightful time. The kids showed me around their homestead and included Merle and LIa in some motorcycle rides. There isn't a mom on site but the dad is very involved and hands-on. It was thought-provoking to see the dad dominant influence versus a mom. 
These little bikes are so fun and user friendly. Alia was brave and needed no coaxing to try. 
Merle wanted to ride but was a bit more hesitant. He wouldn't hold on but was like a wet sack of noodles on the back and finally his driver convinced him to hold on. 
They spent a good half hour scooting around on country roads. At home Addie was cooking I assume Andrea or Lia took this picture of her because she would never smile like that for me. 
Monday always feels like a behind day after taking a day off there's so much to do. I decided the time was right or the temperature was hot enough to defrost the freezers. The bottom of my chest freezer was an solid chunk of ice about 1.5" thick. I had enough containers and quilts to wrap everything in, then we went to pick beans and sweet corn. 
The result bags and bags of corn and no freezes close by. Thankfully I have another set at the farm and put the fresh corn down there to freeze.  We eat a lot of corn in the year. It tastes like summer!

And after a long long day we ended it with icecream. One thing about emptying the freezers is seeing all the possibilities nad wasted space. I found we had a lot of ice cream and peas. We only had ice cream and random meat that night. I am thankful or the abundance we have life is good. 

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