Sunday, August 11, 2024

8.11.24 Flower delivery

After a long week of picking and preserving, I Was tired! I had noticed a large showing of blooms in our garden and saw a post by a local flower grower. I thought if we had a few more blooms we could make some bouquets to share. The lady agreed and we met in town to exchange money for blooms. 
AT home Millie and I harvested some of our own flowers and we set to work making the arrangements. 
I haven't done anything truly created all summer. This was enjoyable coupled with the smell of fresh lavender she added extra, and a nice playlist of songs I enjoyed. We had a nice time. 
I had made a list before we got the flowers and after a short rest the kids got shoes on and we left to share. Afton is a natural visitor. Lia and Merle are quickly learning what to do from watching at each stop. 
They weren't exactly sure whose house was who's but when the doors opened they recognized familiar friends and teachers. It's fun to share an I'm thinking of you gift. 
I let them do these simple projects because it gives them confidence and teaches them to interact and care. I'm thankful for kind people who care about my children and get to know them one by one. We are blessed to live where we do. We are thankful for time to share. 

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