Friday, August 9, 2024

8.11.24 Storing for the next year

We work like ants or squirrels in the months of August and September preparing our family for the months ahead. I don't believe we eat the average American diet. I spend a lot of time and energy procuring and preserving fresh fruits and vegetables for my hungry family. These blueberries were a special treat! 
I was blessed to have some great helpers while picking corn to freeze. It's important to teach them young or they won't help when they are older. 
We had three hens set on eggs and now we have chicks. I love watching the mother hen protect and teach her chicks. She is puffed up because other chickens are around threatening her young. It is only her example and watchfulness that teach the young ones how to survive. 
More green beans after the first "required" amount was picked. There are always so many beans. We are so blessed because I am not a good bean grower! We appreciate these and are good enough pickers these days to share a few with neighbors too. 
My helpers. They weren't sure on my instructions but got the job done while I cut the corn we had super full bags for the next year. 
Why we cut corn outside! The chickens will clean this all up. We hose it down and wash it with soap and water before we begin, then hose it down again when we are done. They stand underneath the flooring catching the corn as it comes through the cracks. We all win! The cows eat the husks and cut cobs. We are all about zero waste and speeding the decomposition of plant life. 
Addie and Mark took off for a few days with their new officer team. First stop at the movie theatre for a viewing of Twister, then dinner at Ogawas, finally pictures. 
Andrea was sad to miss out on the nightly water changing so she and Millie headed to the garden for some harvest.
The little chicks enjoy the fleshy cucumbers. I'm thankful for this season. Aliza shared she had been studying Isaihah to learn about the atoning blood of Christ and was struck with how often Isaih admonishes you should hope not to flee in the winter. I'm always thankful to be safely gathered in with food and family full inside. We are thankful for generous farmers who share, the ability to work with our own hands for harvest, and the unity that comes with taking care of our needs. We are abundantly blessed!

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