Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Moms at football practice

Moms were invited to football practice. This was a new activity. In my 6 years of being a football mom I have never seen a practice. There is a very active mom Facebook messenger group. There was a lot of smack-talking and worry about getting hurt. I wondered what to wear and when I was looking for a pair of shorts and found Mark's nickname shirt. I thought it would be fun to personalize it a bit. We dipped into our paint supply and added the mom touch. 

My helpers. They thought this was so cool. Thankfully they haven't painted any other clothes since we did this project. 
All dressed and ready to go. Nervous but trying to embrace a unique experience ith my sons. 
After practice. I was impressed with the work they do at practice. I'm not surprised they are tired and sweaty. They have amazing inner thigh muscles from all their sliding drills. 
Another mom my good friend Heather with her three sons two are on the team. 
I thought I nailed the look for football practice. This is us getting ready to run. Mark later told me he was in fact embarrassed but got over it. Standing in this line waiting for all the moms and sons to get matched up the guys were all calling "Mom, mom mom" They sounded like a bunch of newly weaned calves. It was telling. I believe that just showing up is the most important part of motherhood. You don't have to be amazing or fancy just present. 
I worked out with Mark with Reed following in the second group. So I would give him a thumbs up as he did the drill alone. 
The final activity was the tackle. We were near the end. I wasn't sure about falling on Mark and figured if I just got him in the chest he would fall over. 
Got him! Then I toppled over, John said I was supposed to wrap him up more. Mark later told me the coach had told him to fall over no matter what the hit. I appreciate the coach reminding the guys to be kind and gentle with their moms. It was a fun night. All the moms that were there were smiling, as were the sons. There were a few whose moms couldn't show up, but those who participated had smiles and laughs. Sometimes it's really enjoyable to be the mom. 


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