Saturday, August 10, 2024

8.10.24 One full day

John called early Tuesday morning from the Salt Lake City airport on his way to his mission. He asked what was going on I sent him this picture of his dad eating breakfast. 
Later I ran to town to do errands and get some pivot tires. The sky again filled with smoke and has remained thick and overcast all week. I'm so tired of the western land burning and burning each summer. I have a cough and cold like symptoms which I think are just a result of the continued thick smoke air. 
John later sent us this picture of his second mission meal. I had told him he was going to land of BBQ, and here he starts out with brisket. Gotta love Texas. 
We went and celebrated my dad's birthday. He had just finished the yearly wheat harvest. They always strive to be done by his birthday. Most years that's easily done this year with a large crop and long spring it was a push. 
Livy's long neck is topping her a bit taller than my mom. It's always exciting to be taller than your grandmother. 
And back at home while watching the daily re-cap of the Olympics with Greg I heard Mark say Grrugh. I looked over to see him crouched holding his towel on the floor, he had been icing his sore knee after his first football practice. He said "I have the mouse under the towel."
Greg walked over and squished it with his boot, then carried it out. I of course was on a bench watching. 

 Greg is my number one mouse killer. I'm thankful Mark spotted the mouse and I did not and had the quick reflexes to trap it. Heres hoping that was the only mouse in the house!!

Life is good and we are blessed as the harvest begins and the seasons change. And the world is much better with one less mouse! 

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