Tuesday, August 27, 2024

John in the mission field finally

John arrived in Texas almost a month ago. He's been testifying and sharing the Book of Mormon wherever he goes and with whomever he meets. He said sweat acts as a sunscreen and that it is hot! This is trainer Elder Kinsey. He's from Utah and a great cook. 

His mission president is highly communicative. I've been impressed with how much he reaches out to the missionaries. John is a big man and sometimes comments he's too big. But that's just who he is and his strength will be used now and throughout his life. I'm so thankful he is taking time to develop and deepen his spiritual strength as well. 

The new arrivals at the beginning of August. 
Meeting his companion at the mission home. The humidity took care of John's wrinkled clothes. 
These two are good friends and playmates, but Evander has spent enough years at home to go to school. I snapped this picture because the older kids were asking about a size comparison between the two. Someday, they, too, will be serving missions. 
Those same weeks brought Aliza's time in Normal Illinois to a close. Her sweet singing companion stayed and Aliza left. She said the sweet little sister in the middle is a fireball of activity and service. She loved her and the time in Normal so much. This companionship worked hard and enjoyed the short days they spent together.
And at home with the ones still growing and learning. I get to spend time nurturing them and filling their buckets with time on my lap. 
I'm so thankful for the many stages we have here. These little ones help me adjust to physical and literal changes in our family dynamic. It's good to still be in the toddler stage while the others grow up and become independent. Mondays are highlights of the week because I get to hear from the missionaries. It's interesting to hear their successes and stories. I'm so thankful or good companions and wards who truly do the work of finding so the missionaries can teach and testify. Life is so good. 

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