Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Corn and Watermelon

The annual corn and watermelon feed is hosted by the elder's quorum. Greg got pretty sick about this same time and was not up to helping. With so many helping hands this wasn't a huge problem. I had sourced the corn and got it picked up earlier in the day. Later I asked the kids to shuck the 55 dozen ears of corn. We then cooked about half of those ears and sent them to town in various cars. After all that work we realized there was more than enough for the party so we took hot cooked corn around to the neighbors who wouldn't be attending. We like to be random neighbors you never know what we will show up with to share. When we finally got to the party they were cleaning up we helped with that then shared some more corn and watermelon with people who didn't come. The opportunity to visit and show people you are aware of them is good. 
Our cows were very thankful for all the husks. They come running when people are corn shucking. Like I said a quicker composting method.  
After the party there were leftovers. Andrea had some more corn at home. We also brought home extra watermelon. Tasty treats of summer. 
Andrea rubbed my feet after a long day. She is a cute helper. She had got in the way of a swing and took it full on her mouth she was pretty banged up for a few days. 
These two were cutting the excess too large cucumbers and zuchinni for the mother hen and chicks. I love watching the hens teach the chicks. These little girls love having free time cutting and chopping. 
Addie went and worked af ew days for my dad. We miss her but it is so good to go work elsewhere. 

 We are thankful for the many different days we have. This season of harvest is so rewarding. Life is good and we are blessed. 

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