Friday, August 9, 2024

8.9.24 More fair

The week eventually ended with the sale. Oh, sweet success for a long road of work. I was super happy with Livy's continued making and helping friends at the fair. The dynamic of a shared experience, a common goal, and close proximity are powerful catalysts and crucial ingredients for friendship. This year did not disappoint. One day she and her cousins cared for animals that weren't there as the owners didn't come to check on them all day. I'm pleased the kids saw a need and filled it. We gave them time for the week to do the friend stuff. 

One cousin picture with the delightful James. He is funny and enjoyable to be around. He had another successful showing year. 
At home, we enjoyed our hollyhocks and learning to braid using baling twine.
Some harvest, patty pan squash, green zuchinni, and a lone jalapeno. There was a tomato too but Merle saw it and hurried outside with the red deliciousness in his hand to eat it before anyone else could. 
Afton and her cousins made some swings from ropes they braided. There is a whole maze of ropes and ideas from their time playing. 
We went a few days earlier to deliver the FFA scale to this family. We got to pet or touch their wet sheep. I do love the feel of wool on the pelt. It is so soft and a sheep is not intimidating at all. 

 Addie's ride share for fair week. The cousins in tow they had a great time together. 

She also fulfilled her district officer duties. How she loves being a leader and is working to be all that she is supposed to be. As usual, I think she far exceeds expectations and when adults see how much she can do they just keep asking. 

Her good friend and always reliable officer Greta. There's something about dairy people that is just down-to-earth real. This friend is all that. 

All these things shall give experience and work together for your good! (paraphrasing a scripture to Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail.) While not in jail and actually really enjoying the who time Addie is growing and continues to be a responsible lady capable of large tasks and big undertakings. The younger sisters are watching what she does and how she does it. Slowly they too are picking up the habits and falling in line. It's rewarding to watch each kid learn and grow and prayerful to keep allowing time to grow and do. Life is good and we are blessed. 

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