Tuesday, August 18, 2015

8.18.15 Jay Temple

After the big corn session, we headed to Boise to attend the temple with Jay. It was such an awesome milestone to be in the temple with the 13th child of my in-laws. Lately I've been shaking my head over our hubris in having so many kids. Not that I regret any of them but we had no idea how much harder this would get.  Babies were tough, but teenagers are a whole other level of hard. The agency issue is ever present and challenging to balance personalities, needs versus wants, and life. Wow! Thank goodness there are two of us and inspired leaders and resources to help us learn and be better!!

So to be in the temple with the 13th child, was inspiring. Taking each of my children to the temple is my one goal in life. Everything else heads towards it or away. I love the temple and I'm excited that they love to go too. Seeing and living the work it takes to achieve this is daunting, scary, and humbling. I'm thankful for the many people that make this a reality. It is not just a mom or dad that provide the framework for righteous children, it's grandparents, uncles and aunts, leaders, and friends. We are thankful for the part each plays in our family structure.

 I've known Jay since he was 4, he has always been a fun kid and a big part of my children's lives. While they couldn't go with us, it has been good to share his mission prep experience with them.

After the temple we went to Sizzler. The nice waitress asked if we were celebrating something? Grandpa related how we had just been to the temple. So the waitress offered Jay a root beer float! Little did Jay know how much Afton likes ice cream!

He's such a nice guy! She mostly just enjoyed the straw!
And in other Jay news. A few days ago he was out doing his work and got stung by a bee. The result was a permanent wink for a day or two. He sure has grown up good. We're gonna miss this guy a lot!

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