Tuesday, August 25, 2015

8.24.15 Peach Helpers

The peach project is done for the moment. Thanks to my great helpers, see below. When a friend came and asked who was here? Reed responded he was the only Worker here! He did a great job peeling peaches and managing little girls. Added bonus he doesn't take a bite out of every peach he peels!

In addition to super Reed, two very nice ladies volunteered to come help. I suggested the first would be most helpful loving my children for a while so I could keep working. She obliged and read stories for an hour. Such a nice time for my neglected children. She also made us some delicious peach desserts! 
The second lady came and canned with me. It was nice to have a friend to visit with and get to know better.

 I am truly touched by the many kind ward members who have come into my home and served my family these past few weeks. I am learning how much it touches them to give service and to experience the business that sometimes overwhelms me. I am learning to share my load because others are sincerely needing to serve and love others as much as I like to. And that the Lord hears and answers my prayers with kind people in my midst. 

I am however off to get some more peaches and hopefully some pears today. Reed exclaimed "NO!" I'm sick and tired of peeling peaches... I told him it's ok, I would do most of it. The other kids who had a good experience sharing with their various teachers and administrators said, "Great we can give peaches to this teacher and that!" I told them they needed to help more if that was their plan, but am glad they too are learning the value of sharing. Best to you today.

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