Friday, August 7, 2015

8.7.15 -ice cream cones

We have started getting back on school schedule, which means kids are goign to be earlier. However we have spoiled this little one letting her stay up later than we want. One of the perks for her is getting time with dad. This night we decided to enjoy a private ice cream cone... or so we thought. As the pictures show Greg got a few bites and Afton ate most of it.

The two hand protection of the cone making sure dad doesn't take it away again.  We switched to a bowl to try to get some for Greg. She fussed and fumed until she again got her way and ate half of that serving.

Showing her displeasure dad re-loaded ready to satisfy her demand for more ice cream!!
Yep she's spoiled. And she spoiled our night's sleep too. She was very restless in her sleep that night possibly a tummy ache?! Oh well we learned not to have ice cream around when she can see it. She is one of our more aggressive Saunders eaters or maybe just taking her turn. Best to you!

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