Friday, August 28, 2015

8.28.15 After School

After school the kids come home. The little kids are so excited and relieved and anxious to have the family reunited. Fun things happen when everyone is home like teaching Afton to stand at the window. The kids are so proud of her rapid developmental progress. I am not. She is a baby! She loved looking out on all the outside activity though and will probably make this her new favorite place to be.
My in laws have long low windows in their house too. I had never seen such a design consideration, they informed me it was so children could look out. It is a nice feature in a house with lots of kiddos. The little ones can't always handle the weather but they sure love to see it through glass.

I loved her intense concentration holding on. Her chubby little legs balanced on such strong tippy toes! And yes the floor is a mess because of all the dripping watermelon slices that have been consumed lately. Loving our garden.

After school also means homework! Which would presuppose we would know where the homework is. Hence the need to dig through all the paper garbage waiting to be burned to find the missing piece. I remember my sisters having to dig through the garbage to find a lost bill or magazine. This is the worst we have had to sift through, and the homework was not located. Thank goodness for other moms who help us out. I really never saw the lost spelling list, I hope he does ok on the test.  However, as we pushed through all 30 of his words to write 4 times, his brother's 25 words to write 3 times, and the reluctant writer adding details to her rushed through story, I did have ample time to mop the floor and do the dinner dishes. Trade-offs!

So after school continues to be a much anticipated swirl of activity and inactivity as kids unwind from being gone, are pushed through chores and dinner, and finally collapse in bed to read until the lights are out. Our best to you today.

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