Thursday, August 20, 2015

8.20.15 Back to School

We began school, again. It's always a bittersweet experience. I  truly marveled at all the beneficial changes that had occurred. From the bus leaving later and coming home sooner, to new teachers, new friends that had been cemented from summer and growth in each child. It is good to learn and be stretched.

We tried to continue some traditions. The back to school picture they are getting tall. We inherited some gel and because I haven't had time to cut hair the boys enjoyed some spikes!
We had our rainbow pancakes. I laughed to myself as I added food coloring. If you read much you know part of the health problems to in America today are due to artificial food coloring. What a great way to poison them before they enter the sacred halls of learning... they did make it home okay. Didn't seem to affect them much. hmmm.

My nemesis this week. The season is ahead this year so instead of my well laid plan of nice family home evening, blessings, general slow and simmer in goodness we rushed tiredly to the peach orchard and picked 800+ lbs of these babies. Ugh! Tuesday  we rushed to get through the ripe ones and onto back to school activities and then suffered hot dogs- that is a never at my house- and late to bed. Grrr! Frustrating. I worked on them alone yesterday got a whopping 18 qts done. It is so hard to go back to flying solo here. Although Reed really stepped up and happily peeled peaches all morning for me. A lot more to go but lacking in desire my heart is sad at being alone. Even though I'm not it's just a hard feeling to send them away each day.

I took a picture because it's just so representative of school life. Lots were here and lots are gone. Kind of a ghost town feeling.

We did the pancakes & pictures and mom drop off at school. We did the after school cookies, dinner was ready, and we visited because they of course were busting with excitement! I love hearing all their adventures. Having all 6 come home and tell stories is like navigating white water rapids. Crazy, exhilarating, wild, loud, and chaotic and AWESOME! I've never been rafting I would love to when I feel confident enough to risk life and limb and not be so beholden to small kiddos that can't loose a mama. Maybe next life.
I am so thankful to the many good teaches we interact with each year. I talked to most of them yesterday. Even got a call from school that Mark and another boy collided playing football and Mark had a bloody head wound. The other boy had loose front teeth. Funny that Greg had predicted the night before that anybody that tangled with Mark would loose. We were one the teeth side years ago so we know that pain too. All in a days' play I guess.
 I love that the secretary/nurse just said she would bandage it and the teachers all checked it out and in minutes it was good as new even though I wasn't there and couldn't be for 20 minutes. It's good to hear and know that others love my children like I do. It's good for my kids to learn the goodness of others, and to be good to them as well.
We shared peaches with the administrators who had made the bus changes and who said they could be bribed with food! It was a good opportunity for the olders to share their work with others. I love being a positive influence and trying to make life a little brighter for others. And now I'm procrastinating and needing to face my peaches.
So we are on day 2 and it's good and sad and thank goodness there's a lot of work to do so I don't crawl back in bed or cry. Best to you.

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