Wednesday, August 5, 2015

8.6.15 Beans

Beans, beans, and more beans. (name that movie? Bells on Their Toes!) Actually that isn't totally true although when hanging head down picking beans in the 100+ degree weather for an hour it feels like an eternal torment!! We do love green beans and they are a staple here so it is imperative we get them in jars. Of course some were more enthusiastic than others. Read mom was pushing, everyone was trudging along.

Mark and Reed hand dug a large beautiful bag of red and yukon gold potatoes. They were delicious in Sunday's dinner. New potatoes are so glorious after subsisting on the old worn out crop from last year. Love the sweet crunchy firmness of new potatoes.

Afton being a fair skinned baby was hid in the small corn patch in the semi-shade. She enjoyed free time playing in the dirt.
And of course the "reward" snapping beans while watching a movie in the cool house. I love how Afton is just part of the kiddos no longer a little baby but part of the crew. Sitting is such a huge skill and allows so many more opportunities!
 We found that more watching was happening than snapping and had to switch to audio book version of Anne of Green Gables. Green beans require listening to that story. Growing up we picked beans slowly and reluctantly- just like my kids do- and then we snapped them in the cool dark basement while watching Anne of green gables. I love that story it is a delight to the brain to listen to her descriptions. A few years ago a friend loaned me an audio version and it was a delight to be able to do all the canning while re-living Anne's growing and living at green gables. It's a story that doesn't get old because it is so well written. I hope to be a little more awed and inspired by the world around me like she is in the story.
Anna did the canning. I'm proud of the multi-talented young lady she is becoming. I fear and relish that I am becoming more lazy because my kids are so capable. This predicament lets me have time to worry about things like visiting teaching and school supply deals.
How I hate shopping for school supplies. I hate sending them back and breaking up our family time. Even though a vast amount of this summer existence has been spent lamenting on my lack of getting it together and being super productive, I hate the school deadline. But as I pondered driving to get more of the dreaded supplies, I realized maybe summer isn't supposed to be super structured. Maybe part of the goodness is the freedom and the spontaneity and the go with what-needs-to-be-done-now!! flow. It is just good and hard to be all here and letting myself off the productivity hook. Oh well, we did get 16 qts of beans canned and have hopes of at least that many more soon. Best to you.

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