Wednesday, August 26, 2015

8.26.15 Best time of year

Summer time is the best eating time of the year! We have produce coming on and we are loving the diversity and deliciousness of our late summer meals. This mammoth watermelon was a gift from uncle Kevin. His friend is a truck farmer in Layton. This treat was over 40 pounds and our Herculean uncle Jay carried it with princes Millie on top all the way to his house from ours. That's a load! It was sure a yummy treat. One watermelon was used per meal, feeding over 40 people.

When people ask how our kids aren't picky eaters it might be because we let them eat whatever we grow and feed ourselves.

It also might be because our children work hard making food happen at our house. From planting and hoeing the garden to picking and preserving the other food we are very active in our eating choices. Not to mention the working with, daily care and herding of the animals. 

It's not all work though. There are times of exploring, tasting, and telling stories. My sisters write of their displeasure of canning time... I don't remember those feelings. Maybe I was the one making the mess so I didn't notice the inconvenience?
However I'm thankful for these times with my children. It is crazy and chaotic and was not the perfect opening to school that I had hoped for but it's also been fun to share with others. WE love to hear their love of fresh peaches and know we made them happy that day.

I love accomplishing big things with my kiddos, I love seeing them grow and gain abilities. We love peaches and cream on waffles and peach cobbler in the dutch oven. It is good to stretch and it is good to share. Work helps us do both. Our sticky fuzzy best to you today.

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