Tuesday, August 25, 2015

8.25.15 Life

It has been almost 2 months since my grandmother died. It has been a very full summer. Life has been happening faster than I can process with many twists, turns, and trials. I have been battling with insecurities and worries, wrong turns, bungled relationships, large ward problems and general difficultuties of too much. With all this people management, spiritual guidance, and necessity it wears me thin.

However, there are many good things happening. These are things I take pictures of and try to capture on this blog. Things that I hope will be remembered from our short time together under one roof. I blog to capture the good so that the bad will go away.

I loved this declaration of hope and determination:
"i am choosing to be refined and grow deeper as a human, and to see all the good and be happy."

All the stretching, crying, wringing hands, and gut wrenching decisions and actions allow me to grow into a deeper woman, trying to refine my bad habits, and to see goodness in spite of the swarming bad.
It is a choice. When I scream in my mind 'how do they do that?' I am hit again and again from bloggers, conference talks and scriptures- It is a choice. There is no magic happy pill and no milk of peace it is a choice to embrace the good and cling to the joy. To temper words, actions, and emotions with God's grace and forgiveness. And to trust that He is in control.

As I have noted I have had many people give service to my family in the last two weeks. I have had bags and bags of beautiful, stylish, much desired clothes given to my family. It has blessed us and others. I am grateful.

I know without a question, we are watched over and blessed in spite of our shortcomings. So how can I mourn or sit in a stupor when the good flows so freely around me? I have to choose to see the good and let the dark and gloom go. The gospel of Jesus Christ Atonement is a powerful balm. It is the only true hope in all of the eternities. I'm so thankful for that testimony that ebbs and flows as life demands and happens. I'm challenged to give this understanding to my children. I am grateful for time to try again and again to help them feel, know, and use that greatest of all gifts. Life is good and I am blessed.

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