Sunday, August 9, 2015

8.9.15 Serendipity

Sometimes life just happens, and it is a wonderful thing that you didn't plan and prepare for that moment. Last night was one of those. We stopped to check on some sweet corn we had heard about. We ended up visiting, and then enjoying a drive-in movie with some good friends.

It was a fun experience to sit in the packed open air theater on a seat from our van enjoying delicious popcorn and licorice and snuggling between my two oldest and two youngest kids and husband. It was just wonderful that it was happening.
Each year Greg spontaneously has taken us to the drive-in. These good people were planning the trip and suggested we come. This mom is a phenomenal teacher and fun person, and the dad an amazing scientist and dad. I was hesitant to intrude, but Greg was game and we enjoyed a great family night.
The movie talked about core good memories that build the foundation of who we are. I can say good friends, and good moments we just decided to live- are those cores. Happy Sunday to you all!

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