Wednesday, August 5, 2015

8.5.15 Peer Mentoring Program

We are working on a peer training program. The olders teach the youngers how to replace them. I was a little surprised to hear that Millie had taken to mowing the lawn if Mark supplied the man power. She was pretty tickled to be helping. He thought it was more fun so it was a win all around.

Harold has been gone more working with dad and grandpa and John is getting a little more room to be the big brother. He loves to carry Afton this way. She mostly likes it too.
John was playing with Afton and took the picture of her with the cow she likes to hug and suck on in her chair.
More instruction for Afton on how to play. We have quite the dearth of girl play toys. She was however delighted to be part of the group and they were happy to teach her how to drive tractor. We may or may not have been reading scriptures super focused as you can tell. Gettin' it done though.

And one evening while waiting for the big kids at mutual we went to visit Greg. The little girls were impressed there was so much new stuff to see and touch. It was humorous to watch them explore and Greg try to work with their inquisitive fingers everywhere.  Fair turn about I say!

Millie is a photogenic ham. If the camera comes out she stops strikes a pose and smiles. Love it!

The first time Afton got into the crawling position we were so excited all clapping and cheering for her. 
After meals on wheels we splurged for Italian sodas. Yummy! I know the waitress is a little overwhelmed when we come in but she survived and we may be creating an unintentional tradition. Kinda fun because each kid gets a different kind so we can decide which is best still really like the raspberry. Afton thought the cream was delicious too.

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