Thursday, July 27, 2017

7.27.17 Making Deals

For good effort on reading Reed gets some kind of reward everyday. When I quizzed the older kids about what helped them want to struggle through learning to read the treats from teachers came up again and again. So I invested in 5 lbs of gummy worms and lots of chocolate to spur him to action. After our sunday scripture reading, we keep the sabbath holy and do our practicing!, he negotiated a new deal getting to drive the four wheeler to the farm. I like a nice evening outside so I said yes. 

He got us safely there with me all the time saying keep it at 20! Slow down! Look where you are going! Oh I'm so nervous about other's being in control of my life and healthy ability to move. 

We found dad at the farm and went to check on some other animals. Bruce loves getting to ride and was checking for knobs to pull or push.

The night before we had our ward party. It was a very nice evening topped off with horse rides and a softball game. PERFECT!

The girls were in heaven. Their greatest desire is to ride horses... unfortunately that ship has sailed long ago. Poor horsesick girls console themselves with horse movies and books.
And riding the four wheeler with dad. Sure love how he always has room and desire for one more and that he makes a point to spend time with his kids when he's around. Sunday night is a highlight of the week because of him. I've found I enjoy it a lot more when I join the group instead of waiting at home. That was some advice I got in April from the parenting class-

"Mom's be in the picture. Do what your kids and family is doing don't miss out. They want you there!"

So far no one has complained that safety first mom is there, and I've got a look into what takes them forever, and how good of a dad he always is. I've sweated and got dirty with them and found a lot of respect for their ability to work in very difficult conditions, which is good when we can see each other more clearly.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

7.26.17 Full Days

5 years ago when Livy was a baby she got very ill with RSV and Whopping cough. Since that summer I have had babies or been about to have a baby and have really just sat inside and waited on babies. That's an important job too. I cooked some, cleaned some, organized and held down the fort or managed it per say. Well this summer being empty on the baby department just ask Bruce minus the diaper he is a big kid! So our days are VERY busy with lots of unplanned work to do.
One day while waiting on our big kids we  were cleaning the car at Greg's and got a call that a meals on wheels driver was needed right now! We buckled up and headed over to the Senior CEnter. We spent half an hour delivering meals to senior citizens who are shut-ins. 

That beats all the time the kids spend hanging out in the car... trying not to melt or starve while we wait on those big kids. 

well today again we were waiting on big kids to take them to the next project when I got the call that Anna needed help with water at our neighbors. She has been taking care of this all summer, I headed over to help. Even with 10 kids at home (Harold is working with Greg) there are still not enough to go around for all the jobs we have each day.

What unfolded was a fun start to the day. An unexpected play time doing stuff I loved as a kid. Cement ditches are so doable for little people. It's hot here and this was just too fun!

Bruce was whisked from bed to ditch bank, which he didn't mind much. That shovel quickly got put to work.... Irrigating on this hard pan bench is not like the easy irrigating of my youth. 

Wanting to join the fun. No babies got wet or hurt on this outing.

and the fun takes off.

I learned today my kids are way strong and have barrels of endurance. THey just keep going. They work all morning gardening, farming, walking for miles spraying then I sign them up to help neighbors in the they were helping a family move packing boxes and furniture into a trailer then unloading at a storage shed. I merely helped for an hour or so shoveling, setting tubes, and moving kids. I am sore tonight.
I keep wondering where the balance is? The hard winter has really spooked a lot of the older population and with the outbreak of cancer there is a lot of service and help that is really needed. How can we just ignore those real needs? Not to mention this helps them earn money that will promptly be used for school clothes. As the pictures show it's not all hard and it's not all work. Let's just say sleep is a most highly prized item to do each day right after cold water from the fridge. Idle hands are the devils workplace. I strive to not have too much idle hand time for these able bodies with quick wits. No dog days of summer here just trying to get all the bases covered, and watching some fun in the process.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

7.25.17 Personal Prayer Rugs

Prior to the Family reunion we were asked how many children we had that were age 10 and younger. This of course gave me pause when I realized I have 7 under 10. Wow. Anyway the reason for the question was revealed at the family reunion. An enterprising Great Aunt made prayer blankets for each of the children. No idea how many that is. The best part is each prayer blanket is unique and and perfectly individual for the kid who received it. Mark-got a farm blanket, Addie-yellow and orange flowers and tiger print, Reed-chickens and eggs, Livy-pink with elephants, Millie-Pink with Minnie Mouse, Afton- orange geometric designs. 

This is a blurry shot of how they work. Obviously to pray on. But the instruction given was more than just that. Instead of a clumpy rock. These pretty reminders are to be placed on pillows to remind you to pray in the morning when you make your bed, and pray at night when you go to bed.

I can attest to the power of increasing our prayer regime. I find that I make life much harder than it need be by forgetting to pray or putting it off till too late. How grateful I am for all the help we can have each day. And for kind family members who work so hard to make memories for my kids.

Monday, July 24, 2017

7.24.17 Hot Fudge!

Can you tell these two are related? Holy cow I've been trying to figure out who Bruce looks like- looks to me like Mark.
We were inspired to try hot fudge last week. Oh my too easy for our good. Yum Yum.
1 C cream, 1 C sugar, 3/4-1 C cocoa powder, 1/2 C butter cook till butter melts pour on ice cream, bananas, your finger, cake whatever so GOOD!!

When Greg and I were dating I suggested getting peanut buster parfaits at Dairy Queen, he replied let's get the ingredients and make them for your family at home. He is not a fan of restaurants. Since then I rarely go to DQ, but we make lots of similar treats at home. THis night I laughed at how that has played out over the years. And yes we can feed all 13 of us as many as we want, well 2-3 servings at least, for what it would cost to take 3-4 of us to DQ. Which is important when you have hungry boys like this one!

Yep liking the empty too soon bowl. He is getting to be a big kid so fast. Good thing it's still so hot and we need ice cream to cool us off. I think there will be lots more hot fudge in our future!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

7.22.17 Work and Play

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 
The kids work a lot. Which makes them confident, tired, resilient
, strong, moldable, and good kids. However, they also do a lot of other activities. This post shows a few of those. Before youth conference the older three went to the temple. We have been trying to work in the temple whenever we are close to one. They love to go, I love that they love to go.  

BYS youth conference. They had a great time. Harold especially loved the environment of lots of friends. He loves people and had a particularly good time meeting people of similar standards. He also managed to use his first in every line talent to meet all the performers and speakers. He is good at getting where he wants to be. 
Back at home John took Harold's place at the shop. He survived and managed to entertain and keep his dad smiling for three days. He tried a new hair style via the vacuum. He is a clown and a fun kid to be around. 

And the sweet little one showing dad what they learned/received at primary. We are so blessed with thoughtful primary teachers. They are serious about showing up and teaching great lessons each week, we are so thankful for their devotion. It won't be long before these girls will also be headed off to adventures of their own. So glad we have them to still have the unique joy and innocence of little people in our home.


Friday, July 21, 2017

7.21.17 Farm Heaven

This is the stuff dreams are made of. Mark got to spend a day driving this sweet set-up around diskng the ends of wheat fields. This makes for smooth rides for those driving in the field either combining the wheat or driving the trucks of full wheat to town to be sold. 

Because Mark is a novice driver I assisted him in moving the tractor and disk from one field to the next. On a busy highway, with the happy insistent-on-driving baby in tow. Probably not the best time to be taking a rare selfie but had to document doing it.

Mark is good and careful going slowly and cautiously which is just the way a 10 year old should run heavy machinery around other machinery. So thankful he had the opportunity to learn some more skills and be the man he wants to be.

And another selfie after driving the tractor for 10 minutes and moving a truck. Still got it! As I sit here today blogging, after cleaning and cleaning, trying to think through the chorus of wailing tired children who were up in the night it is nice to remember the joy and revival of some short moments on the farm. I love Farming with my dad.

Little Bruce went bonkers when he saw the combine! He wanted out of my lap and into that big green machine. Maybe he is destined to farm someday too.

This was a total serendipitous day. From beginning to end I had not planned any of the activities they came as the hours passed. I got a surprise pedicure, lunch out, some shopping, some relaxing and mostly just not worrying about time deadlines. It was really quite nice. I got to visit with dear family members and just be with them. That is calming. I remembered so many summer days that I spent just soaking in the peace of being with my grandparents much less hectic and noisy life style. I remembered that that is highly important too. I recommitted to that experience for my kids and myself. Taking time to soak has long been forgotten here. We often scrub, push, and pull through our days rather than just being....

I'm grateful to have days like this here and there where I remember where I came from and parts of my foundation. I'm thankful those episodes still exist. I am blessed to have grandparents and parents close and healthy that I can still learn so much from. Life continues to bowl me over but simple change of scenery really helped me be ready for the next adventures that rapidly came later in the day. God is good He hears my prayers and soothes my troubled waters. I continue to be amazed at His mindfulness of me. This day was another testament of that concern.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

7.15.17 Monster Truck

A few weeks ago my fun brother-in-law called to say there was going to be a monster truck exhibition...this was strangely exciting! My sister-in-law on the other side was in town visiting and decided her 4 boys would really enjoy the event as well. We loaded the van with kids and eagerly headed to the show. (dad's declined our invitation to come as they had a major automotive repair in the works). We got there just in time to hear the truck start and begin to rumble. It was so LOUD!!
We enjoyed the crushing and smashing of three cars. We enjoyed the deep tremor of all that power on wheels. We smiled and laughed at our primal instincts being awakened.
After the show we had to get a few pictures.

Check out Reed in the middle he loved this! He's in the blue plaid doing the Ussain Bolt pose.

A guilty fun time, I usually strive for the higher things in life to spend my time on. Seriously this event was fun. Thanks to people around me who know that there are many ways to experience pleasure. My kids were awed especially the little girls. My older girls love watching drag races so this was not a new sensation for them but they too were wowed. Life is hard with bits of good thrown in, thank goodness I find pictures like this on my phone, these kids have a pretty good existence even with all the hard stuff they are asked to do. Love them, and love having excuses to do new things I would never think would be enjoyable.

Friday, July 14, 2017

7.13.17 A Reed Read STory

For the past several months we have been working to teach Reed to Read. As you know reading is a top most activity, sport, accomplishment etc in our family. Reed is a normal boy, from about 30 or more years ago. He is most happy working hard outside. He loves his chickens and collecting eggs. He is cute, wiggly, stubborn, and sweet.

Because of this list he did not go to kindergarten. He went to first grade which was the norm for everyone all 6 before him. Everyone has struggled to master reading but all succeeded within that first year. Some better than others but all fluently read at the end of first grade.

This year was different. I knew going into it there would be additional challenges. New baby, new adopted child from China in his teacher's family and the classroom, a classroom dynamic with some other challenges, and then the added surprise of a 6 week Christmas break made this year far from normal and easy.

Thus at Spring Break we intensely began tutoring Reed at home. We spent 2-4 hours a day for the 10 days of spring break working on reading skills. We continued in all our spare time to work with Reed. The laundry piled, the meals got simple, and the other kids got a free pass to do as they pleased. This summer has been no different. Almost everyday about 5 days a week Reed and I are reading. I am using the Jenny Philips Good and Beautiful curriculum now. I have used an Amish program, and Happy Phonics, Read Rights, various readers and website/pinterest suggestions. It is tedious at best.

Breaking down something that is so enjoyable to me working through the refusal to talk is just so AGGRAVATING! I want things to come fast. I swear some of my children enjoy this time and it's just a tough love test if I will truly hang in there with them through their hard time. So far I am hanging in there. So far we are progressing. Currently Reed reads a reader then I read a book, and back and fourth for an hour, then on to grammar and poetry. He really likes the poetry... and the gummy worms from reading. Who knew they were such powerful motivators?

Anything worth having is worth working for and the gift of reading is definitely a requirement of success in this life We will conquer this mountain. I think his impatience at knowing the story is part of the problem breaking down the words takes so much time when he can imagine the story just fine on his own.

Because his teacher wants to hold him back we have a lot of ground to cover. I am so hoping we are covering it. He is not regressing so that is positive I hope. He is strong in math, of course that's straight forward with no exceptions and crazy changes at every new word. I will not hold my child back- the very words make me cringe. No, instead I am trying with all I have to help him become all he can, and his siblings as well.

Yesterday Aliza told me being a mom makes you tired. Yes it does! For so many reasons she has yet to fathom. The pulling, prodding, pushing, and praying all these bodies along wearies me to the core. Added to the church stuff and it becomes monumental. How thankful and knowledgeable I am for all the help I get from a Heavenly Source. I need to draw on it more, when I do I am blessed. Thank God for all his Grace and sustaining angels that bear me and my family up. This summer I have witnessed so many great people bless my children in ways I wanted and recognized but just could not. I know prayers are answered and that these children matter to Him. I am thankful to watch and witness how God works in our life.

7.13.17 More 4th

I've been bouncing between 3 phones for the last month or so and I found these pictures on my google drive account. I want them for my posterity so please endure one more 4th of July post. I documented the boys flag service and was happy to find the girls documentation of their flag service as well.
Early as in before the sun rises for many years probably 25+ someone has climbed this silo to raise the American Flag in honor of the 4th of July.

Anna is in the cage covering the ladder. That is a lot of steps. She is strong.

The Jubilant crew. Showing success as the sun just clears the mountains to the east.

For my husband who has spent countless hours trying to water this difficult farm this view is particularly rewarding. Equal uniformly green corn. Awesome!!

My super man then headed to the church to cook and crack eggs. We leisurely joined him there later. We all love the all-you-can-eat sausages! This is a picture of the cook station all cleaned up. Those men are troopers cooking for hours on end.

Bruce ready to join the team he wants to be big and do just what the big kids do.

The boys anxiously waiting for people to finish so they can go get in the water!

Another rare shot of Greg sitting. He rarely does this during daylight hours. However after climbing, cooking, and digging he was ready for some rest for a few minutes.

The second best part of the 4th the munching on all the good snacks in between boating and swimming.

And Bruce gave in. After all the work and waiting what is a boy to do but have sweet dreams on the raft. he has done so well with this busy family. No sunburns and generally happy as we bop from one activity to the next. As long as we feed him enough he loves life.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

7.12.17 Pre-Reunion Excursion

We left early for the reunion under the guise of being there to help set-up. This allowed some time to do some family exploring. I'll start with some pictures though not in order most important. We were able to take some time at the Idaho Falls Temple Visitors center. We enjoyed a movie on the restoration of the priesthood. We also delighted in beauty of the temple grounds. This small replica of the Christus was a highlight for these two who requested pictures.  

Millie so sincerely wants to see Jesus she was so excited to be able to hold his hand.
Greg, Anna, Harold and I were able to go to the temple first to do some work. Harold and Anna finished before us and found the cafeteria to be a delightful addition to temple worship. They then headed the visitors center to view the many movies there. They were excited to return and watch some more movies with siblings in eager anticipation.

A beautiful different view of the setting sun. 

A 4 year old not getting her way throwing herself down on the grass in protest. She is missing the family photo shoot happening just beside her.

Moving on to explore the beautiful flowers on the grounds. Again it was hot but always lovely.

Water ! A fountain is always a major draw for children. Had to stop my eager kiddos from removing coins from the water. Major faux paw. They didn't even get wet so nice to have dad around to manage the crew.

The night before we had came into town late. We had been in a rush to get out the door and were hungry, so we enjoyed Pizza Hut at 10:30pm. Thank goodness for cell phones and call ahead. It was a great way to start a relaxing day with the family. It is rare we are all together these days and so I really enjoy those precious moments- don't worry there is plenty of squabbling intermixed but the overall time is usually good. 

It takes 6 med pizzas to fill up my hungry crew. so nice to have hot food and not have to clean up the prep or post mess. We LOVE eating out!! 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

7.11.17 Family reunion

This is just my husbands family. I think about 5 are missing. My niece declared there are 76 of us so far. 

The grandkids. Bruce was number 50 and I think 4 have been added since him. The cute little one in front is of course melting down.

The mom's and dads. The shot of wailing kids seperated from their parents would have been more comical.

My family. We are big yet small. In 30 years we may be a big group like the first picture. Simply amazing! And how the world is impacted by families.

There was something to do for everyone. Harold, Greg, John, Mark helped set up the zip line. Harold was the man catching as the kids came to a stop. He had the privilege to work with Greg's uncles. I am very happy with my children's ability and desire to converse with these men. There is much wisdom and goodness in each and I think HArold particularly took the time to visit and learn from them individually.

Addie loved the zip line, Aliza even went. That is a major accomplishment for her. She's not often up for new experiences but decided she just couldn't be outdone by younger siblings and cousins. Even the three year olds went on the zip line.
There were plenty of babies to watch as well. I only lost my kiddos a few times. Thank goodness so many kind ladies and men were there to push them on the swing or help them out of the swing or feed them.  Here Bruce is playing with Aleda (Deanne's).

A wagon full of the littles going on a tractor ride.

Ring a round the Rosie in the late evening. With so many children there is something for everyone. The leader of this group was cousin Janice (Jill's). She reminds me of Aliza at that age. Organizing and thinking of what to do now and next. Love how talents shine.

This lady got some valuable freeway driving time. Eastern Idaho freeways are far less congested than western Idaho. She did well, even managing to hold it together when one parent says pass and the other says don't pass. It was kind of nice to be chauffeured. Love her patience and endurance of her family life.

And the antsy dad in the back seat. Bruce getting a break from the carseat. He is a very active baby and could only sit for so long.

I love the spirit of the reunion. The time of renewal, catching up on the events of the past year and learning from the wisdom gained through life. It is an empowering feeling to be in the midst of so many great people. My kids had a ball playing with so many friends, and eating all the water melon and cookies their tummies could hold. The scriptural thoughts were from the Inconvenient Messiah and D & C 10:5. And President Hinckley's statement "Pray as if everything depended on it, then get up and go to work as if everything depended on you."