Friday, July 21, 2017

7.21.17 Farm Heaven

This is the stuff dreams are made of. Mark got to spend a day driving this sweet set-up around diskng the ends of wheat fields. This makes for smooth rides for those driving in the field either combining the wheat or driving the trucks of full wheat to town to be sold. 

Because Mark is a novice driver I assisted him in moving the tractor and disk from one field to the next. On a busy highway, with the happy insistent-on-driving baby in tow. Probably not the best time to be taking a rare selfie but had to document doing it.

Mark is good and careful going slowly and cautiously which is just the way a 10 year old should run heavy machinery around other machinery. So thankful he had the opportunity to learn some more skills and be the man he wants to be.

And another selfie after driving the tractor for 10 minutes and moving a truck. Still got it! As I sit here today blogging, after cleaning and cleaning, trying to think through the chorus of wailing tired children who were up in the night it is nice to remember the joy and revival of some short moments on the farm. I love Farming with my dad.

Little Bruce went bonkers when he saw the combine! He wanted out of my lap and into that big green machine. Maybe he is destined to farm someday too.

This was a total serendipitous day. From beginning to end I had not planned any of the activities they came as the hours passed. I got a surprise pedicure, lunch out, some shopping, some relaxing and mostly just not worrying about time deadlines. It was really quite nice. I got to visit with dear family members and just be with them. That is calming. I remembered so many summer days that I spent just soaking in the peace of being with my grandparents much less hectic and noisy life style. I remembered that that is highly important too. I recommitted to that experience for my kids and myself. Taking time to soak has long been forgotten here. We often scrub, push, and pull through our days rather than just being....

I'm grateful to have days like this here and there where I remember where I came from and parts of my foundation. I'm thankful those episodes still exist. I am blessed to have grandparents and parents close and healthy that I can still learn so much from. Life continues to bowl me over but simple change of scenery really helped me be ready for the next adventures that rapidly came later in the day. God is good He hears my prayers and soothes my troubled waters. I continue to be amazed at His mindfulness of me. This day was another testament of that concern.

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