Saturday, July 15, 2017

7.15.17 Monster Truck

A few weeks ago my fun brother-in-law called to say there was going to be a monster truck exhibition...this was strangely exciting! My sister-in-law on the other side was in town visiting and decided her 4 boys would really enjoy the event as well. We loaded the van with kids and eagerly headed to the show. (dad's declined our invitation to come as they had a major automotive repair in the works). We got there just in time to hear the truck start and begin to rumble. It was so LOUD!!
We enjoyed the crushing and smashing of three cars. We enjoyed the deep tremor of all that power on wheels. We smiled and laughed at our primal instincts being awakened.
After the show we had to get a few pictures.

Check out Reed in the middle he loved this! He's in the blue plaid doing the Ussain Bolt pose.

A guilty fun time, I usually strive for the higher things in life to spend my time on. Seriously this event was fun. Thanks to people around me who know that there are many ways to experience pleasure. My kids were awed especially the little girls. My older girls love watching drag races so this was not a new sensation for them but they too were wowed. Life is hard with bits of good thrown in, thank goodness I find pictures like this on my phone, these kids have a pretty good existence even with all the hard stuff they are asked to do. Love them, and love having excuses to do new things I would never think would be enjoyable.

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