Wednesday, July 5, 2017

7.5.17 Young Family

I was surprised to find Sunday night that we are still a young family. Getting older with each passing year and always working with and worrying about the older 3 I just assumed we were moving onto older family status. However, when asked for a count of children under 10 I was surprised we are still very much under 10. I've been gone a lot lately. Leaving some of this.
And some more of this!

Lots of ice cream, and cold cereal, and recently cans of mandarin oranges has been consumed while I am away. They manage pretty well without me. I really don't like leaving them so much. They are still some of my favorite easiest and hardest people I know to be around.
And when I am gone sometimes Bruce really enjoys the freedom. Devouring containers of raspberry jam.

And being so busy has required lots of communication pieces. 2 cell phones one home phone and texting and emails. My kids are getting into the habit. Sometimes acting as my personal secretary. Sometimes taking pictures or watching youtube dude perfect or studio c.

We've had plenty of water fights, dress, up, exploring and playing. And Bruce is not to be left out. Afton is his door opener. She lets him be as free as he wants.

I'm thankful they have weathered the storm so well. I'm thankful my big kids were home to provide care while I needed to be elsewhere. I'm so thankful that it has seemed to coincide each year with school being off to have help at home so I could go do calling responsibilities. the constant do over button is in full effect here. The hardest part of enduring and mothering a large family is making sure I repeat the good experiences, and teach the skills AGAIN, and get rid of the stuff that did not work and forgive myself as I see errors. It's a real stretch. But these kids are sure made of rubber and they stretch and bend and forgive and love and have so much energy I am awed. After long days of working in the stun they still have time to run and have water fights, swim for hours, or just wrestle and pick at each other. I'm thankful for all the dirt and water on the farm that use some of their energy or I would be in real trouble managing it.

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