Tuesday, July 4, 2017

7.4.17 Love Languages

I mentioned recently the difficulty of love when life is rolling so fast. I mean the romantic sit and hold hands take time to just enjoy each other kind of love. There is another kind of love. It is discussed in fiddler on the roof "Do you Love me?"
(Tevye) But do you love me?
(Golde) Do I love you?
            For twenty-five years I've washed your clothes
            Cooked your meals, cleaned your house
            Given you children, milked the cow
            After twenty-five years, why talk about love right now?
I'm your wife
(Tevye) "I know..."
             But do you love me?
(Golde) Do I love him?
             For twenty-five years I've lived with him
             Fought him, starved with him
             Twenty-five years my bed is his
             If that's not love, what is?
(Tevye) Then you love me?
(Golde) I suppose I do
(Tevye) And I suppose I love you too

AFter a long day of running and doing, and a quick trip of kids to the stake cotillion and trying to organize rides for more the whole time. I came home to no husband and some missing kids. Addie said dad was killing chickens!??
 I was hoping to put kids to bed and talk to him but I found him up to his ears in gore. He said I love you I'm putting food on the table. I told him we had very different ideas of love. The boys had a great time of course. It was yet another page in our life together. In the land of facebook trips and pictures I don't share these I don't want the comments. But as Golde ruminated on what love is it is sticking together, traveling the road together and when cleaned up from blood and guts still holding onto each other. Marriage is a great blessing.

I told him I wanted to part of chicken killing so he took them from live to freezer with no assistance from me. I did cook one this last week...I'm still working on a recipe that includes lots of sauce to use the meat.  We love our dad and he is a great provider on so many levels. Even sharing his workout time with the little kiddos who refuse to go to bed without seeing him.

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