Tuesday, July 11, 2017

7.11.17 Opportunity Cost

We went on our annual vacation (pictures coming soon) and came home to many problems, enough to make us not want to go again. The pivot was very stuck, the pigs were gone, and in the morning the cows decided to go for a walk/run around the neighborhood. 

These are the jumping cows. They look so innocent and content, but they run like slow race horses and jump like fox chasers. It was hot at this point in the day 100+. My new goal is to walk everyday. I had missed that day due to heat. Well instead of walking in 90 weather I mosied around in 100. It was so helpful of those beasts to give me motivation.
 I'm finding our farm animals are causing much more intense workouts in more extreme conditions than any dog could dream of. Farm animals are more like boot camp workouts and dogs are more like kind friends who are happy to walk around the shaded block in 80 degree days they just don't push/ pull/ anger you like a domesticated beast. See gratitude in all circumstances!

Anna is our head cowgirl. She hooked up the trailer and herded those cows around. She has savy, determination, and courage. I love watching her work cows, and I'm thankful it's not my call.  I showed some real trailer skill backing up into tight spots in one or two tries, we all contributed some.

And the crew. Thanks to the pivot issue I had a full crew. The boys were out breaking up old concrete ditch with sledge hammers and then laying it in the pivot track so this was a rest for their muscle building.

Thank goodness the cows did as Anna predicted and ran right into the trailer. We got them transported to the correct pasture and go home in about an hour. Love this group of mine who know what to do and are mature and strong enough to get it done.

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