Wednesday, July 26, 2017

7.26.17 Full Days

5 years ago when Livy was a baby she got very ill with RSV and Whopping cough. Since that summer I have had babies or been about to have a baby and have really just sat inside and waited on babies. That's an important job too. I cooked some, cleaned some, organized and held down the fort or managed it per say. Well this summer being empty on the baby department just ask Bruce minus the diaper he is a big kid! So our days are VERY busy with lots of unplanned work to do.
One day while waiting on our big kids we  were cleaning the car at Greg's and got a call that a meals on wheels driver was needed right now! We buckled up and headed over to the Senior CEnter. We spent half an hour delivering meals to senior citizens who are shut-ins. 

That beats all the time the kids spend hanging out in the car... trying not to melt or starve while we wait on those big kids. 

well today again we were waiting on big kids to take them to the next project when I got the call that Anna needed help with water at our neighbors. She has been taking care of this all summer, I headed over to help. Even with 10 kids at home (Harold is working with Greg) there are still not enough to go around for all the jobs we have each day.

What unfolded was a fun start to the day. An unexpected play time doing stuff I loved as a kid. Cement ditches are so doable for little people. It's hot here and this was just too fun!

Bruce was whisked from bed to ditch bank, which he didn't mind much. That shovel quickly got put to work.... Irrigating on this hard pan bench is not like the easy irrigating of my youth. 

Wanting to join the fun. No babies got wet or hurt on this outing.

and the fun takes off.

I learned today my kids are way strong and have barrels of endurance. THey just keep going. They work all morning gardening, farming, walking for miles spraying then I sign them up to help neighbors in the they were helping a family move packing boxes and furniture into a trailer then unloading at a storage shed. I merely helped for an hour or so shoveling, setting tubes, and moving kids. I am sore tonight.
I keep wondering where the balance is? The hard winter has really spooked a lot of the older population and with the outbreak of cancer there is a lot of service and help that is really needed. How can we just ignore those real needs? Not to mention this helps them earn money that will promptly be used for school clothes. As the pictures show it's not all hard and it's not all work. Let's just say sleep is a most highly prized item to do each day right after cold water from the fridge. Idle hands are the devils workplace. I strive to not have too much idle hand time for these able bodies with quick wits. No dog days of summer here just trying to get all the bases covered, and watching some fun in the process.

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