Friday, July 14, 2017

7.13.17 More 4th

I've been bouncing between 3 phones for the last month or so and I found these pictures on my google drive account. I want them for my posterity so please endure one more 4th of July post. I documented the boys flag service and was happy to find the girls documentation of their flag service as well.
Early as in before the sun rises for many years probably 25+ someone has climbed this silo to raise the American Flag in honor of the 4th of July.

Anna is in the cage covering the ladder. That is a lot of steps. She is strong.

The Jubilant crew. Showing success as the sun just clears the mountains to the east.

For my husband who has spent countless hours trying to water this difficult farm this view is particularly rewarding. Equal uniformly green corn. Awesome!!

My super man then headed to the church to cook and crack eggs. We leisurely joined him there later. We all love the all-you-can-eat sausages! This is a picture of the cook station all cleaned up. Those men are troopers cooking for hours on end.

Bruce ready to join the team he wants to be big and do just what the big kids do.

The boys anxiously waiting for people to finish so they can go get in the water!

Another rare shot of Greg sitting. He rarely does this during daylight hours. However after climbing, cooking, and digging he was ready for some rest for a few minutes.

The second best part of the 4th the munching on all the good snacks in between boating and swimming.

And Bruce gave in. After all the work and waiting what is a boy to do but have sweet dreams on the raft. he has done so well with this busy family. No sunburns and generally happy as we bop from one activity to the next. As long as we feed him enough he loves life.

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