Tuesday, July 25, 2017

7.25.17 Personal Prayer Rugs

Prior to the Family reunion we were asked how many children we had that were age 10 and younger. This of course gave me pause when I realized I have 7 under 10. Wow. Anyway the reason for the question was revealed at the family reunion. An enterprising Great Aunt made prayer blankets for each of the children. No idea how many that is. The best part is each prayer blanket is unique and and perfectly individual for the kid who received it. Mark-got a farm blanket, Addie-yellow and orange flowers and tiger print, Reed-chickens and eggs, Livy-pink with elephants, Millie-Pink with Minnie Mouse, Afton- orange geometric designs. 

This is a blurry shot of how they work. Obviously to pray on. But the instruction given was more than just that. Instead of a clumpy rock. These pretty reminders are to be placed on pillows to remind you to pray in the morning when you make your bed, and pray at night when you go to bed.

I can attest to the power of increasing our prayer regime. I find that I make life much harder than it need be by forgetting to pray or putting it off till too late. How grateful I am for all the help we can have each day. And for kind family members who work so hard to make memories for my kids.

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