Wednesday, July 12, 2017

7.12.17 Pre-Reunion Excursion

We left early for the reunion under the guise of being there to help set-up. This allowed some time to do some family exploring. I'll start with some pictures though not in order most important. We were able to take some time at the Idaho Falls Temple Visitors center. We enjoyed a movie on the restoration of the priesthood. We also delighted in beauty of the temple grounds. This small replica of the Christus was a highlight for these two who requested pictures.  

Millie so sincerely wants to see Jesus she was so excited to be able to hold his hand.
Greg, Anna, Harold and I were able to go to the temple first to do some work. Harold and Anna finished before us and found the cafeteria to be a delightful addition to temple worship. They then headed the visitors center to view the many movies there. They were excited to return and watch some more movies with siblings in eager anticipation.

A beautiful different view of the setting sun. 

A 4 year old not getting her way throwing herself down on the grass in protest. She is missing the family photo shoot happening just beside her.

Moving on to explore the beautiful flowers on the grounds. Again it was hot but always lovely.

Water ! A fountain is always a major draw for children. Had to stop my eager kiddos from removing coins from the water. Major faux paw. They didn't even get wet so nice to have dad around to manage the crew.

The night before we had came into town late. We had been in a rush to get out the door and were hungry, so we enjoyed Pizza Hut at 10:30pm. Thank goodness for cell phones and call ahead. It was a great way to start a relaxing day with the family. It is rare we are all together these days and so I really enjoy those precious moments- don't worry there is plenty of squabbling intermixed but the overall time is usually good. 

It takes 6 med pizzas to fill up my hungry crew. so nice to have hot food and not have to clean up the prep or post mess. We LOVE eating out!! 

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