Saturday, July 22, 2017

7.22.17 Work and Play

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 
The kids work a lot. Which makes them confident, tired, resilient
, strong, moldable, and good kids. However, they also do a lot of other activities. This post shows a few of those. Before youth conference the older three went to the temple. We have been trying to work in the temple whenever we are close to one. They love to go, I love that they love to go.  

BYS youth conference. They had a great time. Harold especially loved the environment of lots of friends. He loves people and had a particularly good time meeting people of similar standards. He also managed to use his first in every line talent to meet all the performers and speakers. He is good at getting where he wants to be. 
Back at home John took Harold's place at the shop. He survived and managed to entertain and keep his dad smiling for three days. He tried a new hair style via the vacuum. He is a clown and a fun kid to be around. 

And the sweet little one showing dad what they learned/received at primary. We are so blessed with thoughtful primary teachers. They are serious about showing up and teaching great lessons each week, we are so thankful for their devotion. It won't be long before these girls will also be headed off to adventures of their own. So glad we have them to still have the unique joy and innocence of little people in our home.


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