Friday, July 14, 2017

7.13.17 A Reed Read STory

For the past several months we have been working to teach Reed to Read. As you know reading is a top most activity, sport, accomplishment etc in our family. Reed is a normal boy, from about 30 or more years ago. He is most happy working hard outside. He loves his chickens and collecting eggs. He is cute, wiggly, stubborn, and sweet.

Because of this list he did not go to kindergarten. He went to first grade which was the norm for everyone all 6 before him. Everyone has struggled to master reading but all succeeded within that first year. Some better than others but all fluently read at the end of first grade.

This year was different. I knew going into it there would be additional challenges. New baby, new adopted child from China in his teacher's family and the classroom, a classroom dynamic with some other challenges, and then the added surprise of a 6 week Christmas break made this year far from normal and easy.

Thus at Spring Break we intensely began tutoring Reed at home. We spent 2-4 hours a day for the 10 days of spring break working on reading skills. We continued in all our spare time to work with Reed. The laundry piled, the meals got simple, and the other kids got a free pass to do as they pleased. This summer has been no different. Almost everyday about 5 days a week Reed and I are reading. I am using the Jenny Philips Good and Beautiful curriculum now. I have used an Amish program, and Happy Phonics, Read Rights, various readers and website/pinterest suggestions. It is tedious at best.

Breaking down something that is so enjoyable to me working through the refusal to talk is just so AGGRAVATING! I want things to come fast. I swear some of my children enjoy this time and it's just a tough love test if I will truly hang in there with them through their hard time. So far I am hanging in there. So far we are progressing. Currently Reed reads a reader then I read a book, and back and fourth for an hour, then on to grammar and poetry. He really likes the poetry... and the gummy worms from reading. Who knew they were such powerful motivators?

Anything worth having is worth working for and the gift of reading is definitely a requirement of success in this life We will conquer this mountain. I think his impatience at knowing the story is part of the problem breaking down the words takes so much time when he can imagine the story just fine on his own.

Because his teacher wants to hold him back we have a lot of ground to cover. I am so hoping we are covering it. He is not regressing so that is positive I hope. He is strong in math, of course that's straight forward with no exceptions and crazy changes at every new word. I will not hold my child back- the very words make me cringe. No, instead I am trying with all I have to help him become all he can, and his siblings as well.

Yesterday Aliza told me being a mom makes you tired. Yes it does! For so many reasons she has yet to fathom. The pulling, prodding, pushing, and praying all these bodies along wearies me to the core. Added to the church stuff and it becomes monumental. How thankful and knowledgeable I am for all the help I get from a Heavenly Source. I need to draw on it more, when I do I am blessed. Thank God for all his Grace and sustaining angels that bear me and my family up. This summer I have witnessed so many great people bless my children in ways I wanted and recognized but just could not. I know prayers are answered and that these children matter to Him. I am thankful to watch and witness how God works in our life.

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