Saturday, October 13, 2018

10.13.18 A full dozen

We got our little lady here this week. I was as much surprised as anyone else to find my body was ready to roll when we got to the hospital. She was born shortly thereafter. Surprising both the doctor and the nurses. We were not surprised this is how we do babies at our house. 
She is a perfect little doll. I have spent the week holding, her keeping her safe from germy little hands and coughs, and trying to get in sync with her rhythm of life. So far so good. Reed was most unimpressed that all I seem to do it sit and hold her, and that she is a she. He's adjusting. 

Her name is Alia. She was 8 lbs 12 oz 19.5" long. Her head measured at 15cm which was the biggest the nurse had seen. She was born so fast there was no change of shape on her head and she was pretty bruised. She's looking better everyday and has retained her perfect roundhead. I'm amazed how small her fingers are. Addie keeps asking when they are going to grow. Soon and daily I tell her. I love her little thighs. So cute.

She is unique in her desire to know and be part of the family here so soon. She often wakes up to just look at the kids that have arrived. She likes to make eye contact and listen to what is going on. She really likes the singing that often accompanies cooking time thanks to Aliza and she is pretty low on the crying scale. Meaning she mostly just observes! PHEW!

All in all its been a great surprise. I remarked how this was a pretty quiet week, my sister suggested then it was a good time to have a baby. Who knew that would in fact fill the days. While it is much easier to feed them and keep them healthy inside- the kids came down with colds this week- it is a delight to see her and get to know her. We are blessed.

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