Wednesday, October 24, 2018

10.23.18 What is Fun?

We have an aversion to idleness here. Our idea of fun is not sitting but rather doing stuff. Now that may be because our children have lots of energy and only sit still for minutes on end not hours (unless they can read then they sit still for hours). Or maybe because the house stays cleaner and more quiet when everyone is gone? Or maybe because we try to help others in need and like those good feelings that come with serving others? Or maybe we just really don't know what else to do with ourselves. Last weekend we had some family together time picking apples and making fresh cider. GRandma made pumpkin donuts to keep us refreshed the first day then regular raised donuts the next. On top of the pies we made instead of canning the apples we were well supplied with sugar power. 
The kids as always were great workers and a much appreciated army to complete a large task. This sweet juice is a delicious alternative to the watery commercial stuff. And again this fall has been gorgeous and temperate so why not spend the hours outside working and eating!

Of course all work is made easier with four wheelers. We used them to stand on to pick the apples and then to transport apples and people to the press.

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