Friday, October 26, 2018

10.26.18 Johns Birthday

While we are thankful for each person in our home though we aren't the biggest partiers. Maybe goes back to that what is fun pondering. However, we have tried to atleast have each kids favorite food and a dessert of their choice on their actual birthday. John gave me the instructions a few days before. He lucked out having spaghetti and lasagna on the same day which was happy news for him. 

Harold made him this dodge ram metal cutout. I love the sibling generosity and thoughtfulness that randomly pops up here.

And Reed loving Alia so I can get a few things done that evening. 

Keeping up is impossible these days but I strive to get one or two most important things done. Whether it be a load of laundry so I have some clean clothes to wear. Holding kids who need it, proof-reading one of the never ending papers being written here, or doing flash cards with another I'm just striving to be present. There's plenty of melt-downs and frustration but we are slowly adjusting and finding some footing. It was reassuring to learn Alia had gained 6 oz in 4 days so I'm not starving her and our cross between bottles and nursing is working. Were still eating meals on clean plates and mostly everyone has access to clean clothes. If they choose to wear them is another story. Hugs are given, activities are still attended and life is good. We have had many helpers and errands run by others. Thank you! We truly appreciate all the service given. We need to do better being there for others in these times of change. As always we learn and try to remember to be better. 

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