Thursday, October 25, 2018

10.25.18 Around home

Millie was pretty proud of doing her hair by herself at church. 3 ponies nonetheless. I told her her grandma had a picture of her hair similarly done she was happy to share the tri-tail beauty style with her loved grandma.

The kids have been pretty patient while I have sat and worked with Alia to learn how to nurse. They are often sitting on or beside me. They were not this close to me in days prior to her arrival. It's hard not to tell them all to just go away. I know they are just working to establish their new spot in the family. We have been plugging into youtube and gospel library apps a lot these days. Mr Rogers and story books read online have been lifesavers to pass the time.

I could hardly believe this dress now fits Livy. It was special made by Aunt Brenda years ago for Aliza. Wow how time flies. Livy was delighted to find a Halloween costume that so fits her wishes.

Bruce put my pumping supplies to good use as feeders for his his cows. I am constantly washing and rewashing things trying to keep his cold from Alia I don't think I've succeeded.

A happy Millie with more pumpkins. We have a gathered, drawn on, rolled, and hauled them in the tonka trucks for days. Who knew pumpkins were such a versatile fun distraction. Currently one is my footrest they are handy gourds to have around!

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