Tuesday, October 23, 2018

10.23.18 Alia

Our little lady is not short on love or attention. I spend my days holding her, the big kids take turns at night and she is loved up around the clock. Livy not to break with tradition was dressing Alia up in sun glasses. 

Harold takes her as soon as he gets a chance. This night he was leaning on me holding Alia. It was so nice to have them both close. She is alert when the big kids come around. waking up to just stare and observe what is going on. So far she is not fussy and just likes to be part of the action. She loves to listen to Aliza sing while cooking and to here the general hubbub that goes on in the evenings here.

More and more she is found doing homework with Anna. Maybe this early learning will translate into great success later? Anna is pretty busy so she takes her turns when she can.

This time Alia was dancing with me as we made dinner. She enjoyed that too. She is such a sweet baby not very fussy and pretty easy going. We are sure thankful she is here and that we get to have her in our family. I am most thankful for the testimony and understanding all my kids show and speak of as they realize  and accept that being in a family is a gift. Life is good.

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