Monday, October 15, 2018

10.15.18 Many hands make light work

The day started off foggy and glorious. Anna has a real knack for capturing beautiful scenery. 

These two have drove many hundred miles behind those dump trucks. It's fun to watch them race around. Unfortunately cousin Eloise often gets crashed into. But she's getting tougher and more agile. They will play that game for at least an hour a day. This day they were staying occupied while the big people were cleaning the garage.

The next day they worked at the farm. Cleaning, sorting, and burning. A massive amount of work was done and a huge dent was made in generations worth of accumulated stuff.

Two wrecked vehicles were moved via the mighty might tractor and a lot of young men on the back acting as counterbalance.

All memories that were best not seen by this mom until the project was completed.

The feast my last pregnant picture. So funny to see the before and know the after. Nighttime is always a good time to eat lots and hear the stories of the day.

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