Sunday, October 28, 2018

10.29.18 These Days

Next story. WE received a mystery pacakge from target. I don't shop target hardly ever so I was sure I was loosing my marbles when these blocks showed up. I have done quite a bit of online looking while sitting for hours on end nursing and loving Alia but I rarely purchase. Nonetheless new blocks arrived at our house the kids were thrilled. 
Last weekend we had quite a time getting the newly arrived grazing cows to settle in and graze. They had recently been taken from their calves and the neighbor showed up later that night with freshly weaned calves. Hence the mama cows had to go make sure those weren't there calves and thus went for a neighborhood walkabout. Around 20 black cows wandering the neighbors fields and farms was not good news on Monday mornign as the sun came up. Especially since a large portion of Sunday had been spent working with those same cows. 
So Bruce was playing the cows are out. 

Above: Cows are in. He's opening the fence so the cows will get out. NOt what we usually do here.

 Moving the cows out.

All the cows are moving out. Notice the horses standing ready to help. Too bad we don't ride horses here. Just four wheelers.

 Cows are back in apparently one died see it's legs kicked up. That's what happens when cows are naughty they get dead.

Afton has been allowed to hold Alia. She loves this and is always willing to sit and cuddle.

Last rose of the year with my happy Millie.

Building the picture of the castle on the box with HArold's help yay! Moments before the reason we build castles to knock them down. Boo. Obviously prayers were of second importance to this important ritual.

And Livy's art for the week. They learned about ghosts. WE hadn't talked about them much here.

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