Tuesday, October 23, 2018

10.22.18 Pumpkin Patch Visit

There's something a bit magical about October and the changing of the season. Maybe it's the wistfulness that the cold won't come or the unwinding of the tension and stress of the summer heat. These perfect last days of the summer/fall have been hard to beat. We were able to go to a pumpkin patch with our cousin Eloise and Evander to get some more pumpkins for carving. It was  true farmers field. So many varieties of squash for as far as the eye could see.  Our valley is truly blessed with fertile soils, enough water for growth, and skilled farmers who generously share their abundance. This was one of our first leisurely outings with baby Alia. She of course slept snuggly in her carrier. It was nice to leave my comfortable recliner and rejoin my family in a short diversion. 

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