Tuesday, October 2, 2018

10.2.18 scouting

Another night merit badge class at cabela's. These lucky guys got to spend and hour roaming around the store stopping for occasional tastes of fudge and imagining all the fun they could have with the various items displayed. 

They learned that even animals play. The instructor shared a story about how she had observed antelope tossing sage grouse birds with their horns then chasing them to scope them up again. Reminded me of little bunny foo-foo. She asked a biologist if it was rogue antelope but he replied no that's a true encounter in nature of animals playing and interacting.

Reed also got his wolf badge that same night. He is a serious scout and loves all the activities. Good times these boys are having and lots of good accomplishments after some work. Thank goodness for organized, patient, excited leaders who give their time and understanding to my sons on their journeys to become men.

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