Sunday, October 14, 2018

10.14.18 General Conference

Last weekend we had a full table of family visiting. This used to be the normal tradition when aunts and uncles and cousins gathered to watch and learn from general conference. Since many of Greg's siblings have graduated from college and moved into stable adult life the numbers have dwindled and often we are watching alone. Times change memories move into the past and life goes on. However last weekend the kids enjoyed some fun times with their cousins. 

After one of the sessions Aunt Brenda was holding some reverence lessons. She had learned as a sunbeam teacher that the children didn't know the definition of the word reverence thus when told to be reverent they continued being disruptive. After learning and practicing how to be reverent they became the best reverent children in the entire primary. Ah-hah! So she was challenging the younger crew to sit with eyes closed and arms folded and think about things Jesus had made. 
You can see there is obvious  progression some lasted longer than others. 
But definitely an activity we should work on. 

There was plenty of fun and bonding time too not of the reverent style.

Of course eating and enjoying the beautiful days. Kristi remarked how she remembered being a little kid eating outside years ago and how this is the newest group.

And a little deep thinking brain processing after the last session. It was a great weekend of work, learning, love, and friendship. We are so blessed to have an active living prophet. And we are more blessed as we chose to follow him as best we can. I didn't make all the check marks that were encouraged this week but I gained from what I was able to achieve. Life is good as we work step by step through our life journey.

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