Friday, October 26, 2018

10.29.18 Dishwasher Dilema

The prime motivator for Livy to remain in school is the terrible chore of the dishwasher. Every night the girls talk and as Livy is lamenting going to school for yet another day Millie will retort "Well you could stay home and have to clean the dishwasher!" I chuckle while I listen to their conversation as I think it is funny what the WORST job ever is to them. 
I decided I better document this torture for their future memories which will probably forget how bad they had it at 5 & 6 years old. 
Millie very sad that she has to do it again. It is terrible we eat so often here. 

Funning for the camera I guess the torture isn't too intense or they are just not completing the task so they can smile.

I guess we will sink to whatever low is necessary to ensure each of our children gets and education and stays in school. I for one really like the dishwasher and I like that it's a reliable chore for the young ones. Hope you have a good day with clean dishes.

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