Thursday, January 31, 2019

1.31.19 First Cotillion

Coming of age. This year coming of age happened rapidly. The prophet announced that kids could participate in church functions in the year which they turned the necessary age not after they had reached the age destination. Therefore these happy, scrubbed handsome young men were able to attend their first cotillion or dance!!!

Nervous but willing.

This guy is quick becoming a true friend for Mark. They share common life philosophies and family values. When we got to his house he was mostly ready but had had to assist a silly grown-up earlier in getting out of the mud so his shoes were muddy. Being the mom on call I told him he had to clean up. Thank goodness my boot guy was there and instructed and went through the process of cleaning boots that you want to wear right now . It took a while but in the end both boy and boot were ready for the dance. 

We always work to take more than just one kid to the dance. There is strength and courage in numbers. We gave these guys instruction on where to place hands, how to ask, how to talk to girls while dancing, how to lead them to the dance floor and promised reward for their compliance. They came through each dancing with 5 or more girls!! They were shocked to learn the girls didn't know much more about dancing than they did.
When we got to the donut store they were out. The boys had to settle for french bread and cookies. They were fine with that.

This guy decided on "donuts that were as old as him" according to Greg. He was extra brave and danced with a tall girl! Lots of teaching and encouraging hopefully setting groundwork for many years of fun ahead and lots of girls that get asked to dance. That happened rarely to me and to my daughters but I keep hoping that if we keep teaching that will change??

One dance at a time. This was a fun evening with some great boys. Who are still boys but are proving to be promising young men!

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