Wednesday, June 12, 2019

6.12.19 Strawberry time

As a kid I remember getting paid 5 cents a pint for removing the stems from berries that eventually became jam. Strawberry jam is my favorite. I've wondered since those days how we removed the stems that is not possible on the store variety not with the fingers anyway. Well these local fresh berries reminded me the stem cap picks right off a ripe berry. However, picking strawberries is not a favorite chore, it is hard!
 I found a local grower this spring and have been anxiously awaiting the berries to arrive. We happened to be in town the first day they were available- everyone was going on meds for strep here. We waited for over 2 hours like maybe 4 at Walmart for medicine. Eventually we ran some other errands hoping for notification that our prescriptions were done. Granted it was medicine for 11 but seriously. Anyway we did get this super sweet treat, already picked.  

So after sitting all day in the doctors office then the car and finally just roaming wal-mart we came home and made some jam.

Then a cousin posted he also had strawberries ready for sale, and I wanted my kids to get a taste for picking berries so we headed the opposite direction to get a lot more berries. And made more jam! a lot more jam we are stocked until fall I think, well atleast through summer (10 weeks or so) then peach jam then raspberry we do consume A LOT of jam!!

We worked through about 40 lbs of berries. We discovered strawberry milkshakes, oh my so good!!! I told the grower it is very fortunate that we live so far away or we would be picking berries for fresh milkshakes every night. Now the kids make milkshakes whenever, I am gone and I have yet to be home an entire day this summer so they are having a pleasant summer experience. Let's just say spoons litter the downstairs and there are never enough when needed at a meal. And buckets of ice cream are always disappearing.

Oh good ol' summertime. I have visions of reading, art projects, swimming, peacefully enjoying my family. Instead I am a yelling monster always cracking the whip trying to keep them all going in a productive direction. I have a chart, I have created lists, I have taken a break, offered rewards etc but I still am not liking the mom I am right now. There's always plenty to do, but there has to be a better way to do it.
I thought we had Alia independent in her own bed... that has not been the case after those three glorious nights without her by my side. Oh well I guess sleep is most important not comfort.
In light of all the severe tragedies around it is petty to complain of small problems, I am grateful, I'm just noting summer held a lot of tiresome finding hiding kids, re-dressing of the boy who loves to feel the sun on his entire body, and trying my best to make sure all are growing and gaining the experiences they need to mature in these summer months. Oh and buying enough food to keep them satisfied. Cases of bananas I tell you seriously one a week along with about a case worth of other stuff apples, oranges etc. Good for the body no doubt but not growing outside my door either. I keep finding the prices I will pay so I am thankful for that mercy too. Life is good we have mostly small problems.

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