Friday, June 14, 2019

6.14.19 Viking Pride

Well we have a new adventure unfolding at our house. I've alluded to all the growing that is happening this summer, this might be the biggest for us and the participant. I have been pondering this for years and this year the prompting was too strong and persistent to ignore. So here we are a Viking Football player. The bigger one.

As always he is a kind brother and is showing his brother and sisters his new equipment. He is kind. THis is important as he is on the verge of finding strength he hasn't tapped into yet.

Even Lia got to try. He is so good with babies. Most men in my husbands family truly like babies my sons are no exception I am thankful for that trait. 

Bruce is in heaven, this is so cool for him. Harold has always liked football dressing up for Halloween as a football player. Now he finally has his own gear.

AFton too.

And with this radical departure from tradition the sun still rotates through the days and nights, we are still moving forward, working, and learning. I have had several opportunities to witness of the divine instruction of this choice. I have shared with them how much Heavenly Father is truly concerned about them and the details of their heart. I have pondered and realized lessons that could be learned no other way. I am confident this is a good thing. I have no idea how we are going to fit in all the supporting and such required but we are taking one day at a time and so far so good.

It's been three days. But I enjoyed going shoe shopping with Harold yesterday he drove all over the valley with me, and I was impressed with his sharp driving skills, his patience, and thankful for his strength while shopping. He is a good kid. He has made good choices and knows how to work hard. Just like those corn plants in the picture he is ready to grow a lot. Life is good here we come Friday night lights.

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