Saturday, June 15, 2019

6.15.19 R & R

We had a surprise stake conference last sunday. It was shorter than usual yet I still spent a good half of it outside with the youngest two wondering why we even bothered. These are the reason. We bothered for habit, we bothered for principle, we bothered for helping clean up. We bothered so my tall son could - as per his habit- go and shake the hand of the general authority and hear "You're a handsome young man. The Lord is going to do  great things with you!" So even though I had three crying under a window of the packed gym and was not spiritually uplifted much by the meeting I can say it was a win. 
So destress and attempt a family memory we went to see the Owyhee Dam glory hole. The water was just lapping the lip not spilling but sometimes falling in. Bummer. Greg drove the entire road all the way to the third farthest most park. The kids complained, I enjoyed it, he visited with grandma in the front seat. 

I made them get out I was a bit woozy. I had forgotten how twisty those roads are. The water is HIGH! It's been a long long time since we have been in the upper parks. There were MExican families grilling delicious food, it was just a beautiful Sunday, for complaining. Oh life with teenagers.
We got home and dispersed, finally from such close personal proximity. The little girls watched hours of mormon messages.

The night before Greg and I had a rare treat of dinner with my siblings. I'm so thankful we can and do get along enough to eat together. This was an ethnic dinner of basque food. Delicious I have a few ideas to try here at home from the experience.

Most of the group, I'm sad I missed my dad. My parents have been married over 40 years. They are great examples of love and devotion. I always wish Greg had a nicer wife. Sometimes I work on it, Sometimes I thin khe deserves what he gets good or bad. Come what may and Love IT! and he does.

It is my fondest hope that these two silly girls pretending to be pregnant will someday join their siblings and Greg and I for a similar outing and we will enjoy being together as we enjoy each other now.

Life has goes up and down and changes in an instant. It's these people who are closest in DNA and legality that make it meaningful as we keep going. Life is good.

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