Thursday, June 27, 2019

6.27.19 Orchard work for real

We are given the opportunity to serve and then buy fruit from orchards the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints owns in a relatively nearby town. We have not been able to go on any of the suggested nights to work until a few weeks ago. For years we have enjoyed this activity. Stories of families hoeing and thinning sugar beets for service run through my memory. Nights at the church cannery working for ourselves and with others are fond recollections from my youth. Sacred peaceful runaways to the local temple are cherished events, the orchard is also a time for family. Though the orchard is peaceful we also feud, fight, throw, cry, laugh, talk, sing, and get the work completed. 

How I work Lia hanging out the back until I scratched her then I held her front ways in my arms and we kept thinning those abundant peaches. 

I'm pretty sure the little kids shouldn't be on ladders but they bounce way better than I do. I never get on a ladder these days I just work on what I can reach, which is plenty. I appreciate the heavy pruning on these trees making less branches up high but what remains is still laden with fruit

The pictures show the beauty of the earth we live in. A family working together. Oh love at home! Ha! There was much stop talking, really I mean shut your mouth. Stop throwing, it didn't hurt that bad from getting hit with flying fruit, get down, it's not your turn on the ladder yet... I was thankful to be there alone. But there was a lot of visiting a cohesiveness that comes from uniting together to fight a battle- the thick peaches on trees. Knowing we would finish the row no matter how much was there (in all maybe 30 trees). The confidence of succeeding and working together. Hard proceeds good almost always.

And a sign from God or noticed by my photographer the heart in the trees! We grow in love and unity as we work, fight, love, and persevere together. Life is good, and super tedious with mouthy teenagers. Earth is beautiful. And in hopes of milkshakes we stopped to pick strawberries in the dusky light on the way home and then gather some mulberries in the dark. There's always work to help tame a spiteful attitude!  All the earth's a bliss complete when there's love at home. Amen.

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