Friday, June 28, 2019

6.28.19 Take me to church

I read a great thought yesterday that though it is tiring and seems pointless for parents who mostly wrangle and entertain kids at church that it's so important to put kids where they can learn about Jesus and feel his goodness for a few minutes each week. Of course they would also feel that at home and from their parents but extra doses of that doesn't hurt. 
We go to church every week. After church we take down the flag and take out the garbages. I have kids in every part of church so we get a lot of turns in the presumed rotation. While we waited the little girls and I found some shade. These ladies are growing up and becoming more and more definite in their personalities. They are beautiful and unique. 

These guys got cleared by dad to call the job complete. Which means every speck of garbage was removed and all was orderly! They walk with confidence like he does because of those lessons.

The night before this lady showed her preference for strawberry milkshakes. She go to empty the blender. Missing is her squaks for more, her pounding her tray for ice cream and licking her lips.

Almost gone she is not full yet! I know no sugar before 2, no sweets before bed, blah blah. She won and slept through the night tummy full of strawberry ice cream!

We teach them all the time, by word, deed, and habit. Hopefully all will be well and they will be adequately prepared for the lives they will need to lead. I love this time in our family. I love this multitude of children. We do much, we are learning and becoming better and we are together. Life is good, I'm so thankful for the plan of happiness that explains the why and helps me to keep focused on what's important.

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