Friday, June 7, 2019

6.7.19 Learning to Do inspires confidence

One of the comments Livy's teachers made this year is that she just didn't seem to know how to do things. Especially in PE. When I explained no one had ever really played an organized sport with her my heart hurt. Really we don't toss/kick/or hit balls around here. We don't go to games. We don't do that stuff. However, being she is number 8 she also doesn't have a heavy load of work responsibility either hence she was lacking in ability to work hard. We are going to fix that this summer.

 The older kids have jobs they go do a few hours here a few hours there, that leaves me uninterrupted time with the little yet not so young girls. We are learning to be responsible. This day we were learning to clean the bathroom. A friend asked if I worried about chemicals. When I heard the repeated spraying of the foaming bubbles and then found them up to their armpits spreading it all over the was a little late for that. They have experienced no negative side effects from their natural curiosity. Thank goodness we have two bathrooms so they can really practice and thus remember what they are taught!

Yet life is not all work and no play, they also have swim lessons and a quick dance class. They had earned that by doing their school work, they really enjoyed the dance time.

And another sweet daughter got forced to get her drivers permit! I threatened to make her pay for all the tests so she should pass on her first go. She studied and prepared and of course passed just fine. Now to get her to drive. Her towering stubborn status makes this a lot more of a conundrum. She's signed up for drivers ed where she can be slowly and methodically instructed on safe and technical driving, so I'm sure she will be a careful chauffeur later this summer.

Ahh mom life forcing my kids to grow and take over. I keep repeating I am firm in my resolve! I am firm in my resolve to make them work, drive, read, work, save, budget, learn... oh the list is long. But it also relieved some stress on my list and I am hopeful that they will be better for the lessons we are trying to teach.

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