Wednesday, June 26, 2019

6.26.19 Shelling Peas

As I mentioned last post the days have been long and laborious. This day was no exception you can see that it is dark thus it is past 10 o'clock p.m. My sweet friend had given us about 20 lbs of peas in the pod. Oh my! While delicious, that's a lot of work. Never Fear Saunders are here. While we read scriptures nad I thought of all the fails for the day I looked up and realized we can do so much. This guy was so proud of his bowl he shelled. Watching him pick the peas out occasionally with his teeth and then spit them in the bowl was funny. 

The smiley tall lady is so good at getting this younger crew to work and to stay on task.

So we shelled peas and read scriptures and life was good!

I love this family of mine and that they show me again and again how good they are in spite of being so normal. I'm thankful the friend gave us this opportunity to work together and succeed together.

I realized while mowing the lawn with them today that we mostly look for work opportunities. My yard is littered with hoes, shovels, lawn mowers and some bikes. We have a few trucks an old old swing set in need of repairs, a hammock which all size of kids love,  and a lot of animals. The kids make their own fun they are also given responsibilities.

When people say my kids are different I guess they are. I give them time to play in fact I turn them outside as much as possible in the summer, yet I also expect them to work. Much of my life and almost all of Greg's life is spent working. Confidence comes from working, and it makes us more thankful when fun events arise. I'm bored is not muttered much here as that is met well then wash walls, mop the floor, sort laundry, or even match socks. The beauty and the challenge of lots of people is taking care of lots of tasks.

God said: "He cursed the earth for Adam's sake, that by the sweat of his brow he would earn his daily bread." That is a blessing. To earn your bread and to have reason to get out of bed and tasks that show success and progress each day is rewarding. Having others to share the burden with is enjoyable and a great relief when the tasks are large. Life is good!

1 comment:

  1. Wow , what an inspiration to all. The answer to so many of the worlds problems is work! An idle mind and body is the devils playground. Keep it up, stay strong.
